Official Release of OpenCPI Version 2.4.7

OpenCPI release version 2.4.7 is now officially available at (v2.4.7 · OpenCPI / OpenCPI · GitLab)
Documentation for v2.4.7 can be found at (OpenCPI v2.4.7)

In addition, the SDR component library and following OSPs were tested with release v2.4.7:

  • Analog Device
  • Avnet Engineering
  • E3xx
  • Ettus Research
  • N3xx
  • Pluto SDR
  • Xilinx zcu111

If issues are encountered please create a ticket via Gitlab ( using the New Issue button selecting the Bug template and following the instructions within the template.


release-2.4.7 branch has been updated with a fix preventing opencpi from installing due to a change by analog devices. The v2.4.7 tag has been updated to the latest commit.