FSK app support?

Having had issues getting the FSK app to run I found this comment from Aaron on a forum
It’s more than likely a compatibility issue between FSK application and
v2.4.0, again, FSK application it’s no longer actively supported and your
mileage may vary.
Can anyone explain why the FSK app documentation have been updated to 2.4.7 and why there is no mention of it not being supported?
Very confused

You are right it is confusing to have documentation updated with latest release and it not be supported. It’s been difficult keeping all the platforms we support up to date. Moving forward we are only going to focus on a small handful of platform.

Additionally, we are about to embark on some Spring cleaning where any unused and unsupported code will be removed from the repository hopefully eliminating some of confusion/frustration. The FSK app and the fsk_dig_radio_ctrl apps are going to be replaced by a new version of the FSK app that replaces workers with workers available in the ocpi.comp.sdr component library project, accompanied by a new set of documentation. It’s currently under review and test for E310/PlutoSDR and can be found in this branch: Files · examples_project · OpenCPI / OpenCPI · GitLab under projects examples.