Can’t run tests with -G zed


Is anyone able to help out with the following issue I am seeing please.

I can build tests for zed, but when I run I get the message:

======== Preparing for execution on available platforms with available built workers and assemblies for bias:
Probing for available local platforms:
Local platforms are: rcc-0-ubuntu20_04
Error: platform "zed" not found while probing!
Error: at least one required platform was not found -- aborting!
make: *** [/home/opencpi/opencpi/tools/include/ prepare] Error 1

My setup

  • Ubuntu 20_04
  • opencpi v2.4.7
  • Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127 installed (and 2019.2-zed-release.tar.xz)

Steps to reproduce

$ cd $OCPI_ROOT_DIR/projects/platform
$ ocpiadmin install platform xilinx19_2_aarch32
$ ocpiadmin install platform zed –minimal

$ cd  $OCPI_ROOT_DIR/projects/platform/hdl/devices/data_sink_qdac.hdl
$ ocpidev build --hdl-platform=zed
$ cd ../data_sink_qdac.test/
$ ocpidev build --hdl-platform=zed
$ ocpidev run -G zed
        ======== Preparing for execution on available platforms with available built workers and assemblies for data_sink_qdac:
        Probing for available local platforms:
          Local platforms are: rcc-0-ubuntu20_04
        Error: platform "zed" not found while probing!
        Error: at least one required platform was not found -- aborting!
        make: *** [/home/opencpi/opencpi/cdk/include/ prepare] Error 1

Additional info

$ ocpirun -c
    Available containers:
    #  Model Platform            OS     OS-Version  Arch     Name
    0  rcc   ubuntu20_04         linux  u20_04      x86_64   rcc0

Am I missing one or more steps? Or is this expected to work?

You have to setup the device to work in “remote mode” using ocpiremote.

From Zed

  • need to attain the IP address of the device by default is uses DHCP. If not you can assign a static one using ifconfig eth0 desired_ip_address

From Development Host
From your development host you need to let the framework know how to communicate to the target.

  • ocpihdl ethers - note the interface name used to interface with the zed
  • export OCPI_SOCKET_INTERFACE=insert_network_interface_name
  • export OCPI_SERVER_ADDRESSES:insert_ip_address_for_zed:12345
  • ocpiremote load --hdl-platform zed --rcc-platform xilinx19_2_aarch32
  • ocpiremote start -b

from this point you should run ocpirun -C and it should show zed and xilinx19_2_aarch32 containers are available to your host.

With the target now recognized by your development host run the unit test.

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Thanks for your reply. I dont have the hardware to connect to at the moment, once I get that I shall give these steps a go.
Is there any way to do zed testing on the host. Some sort of simulator or something?

You can use xsim hdl platform for that, it uses simulator built in to Vivado.

  • ocpiadmin install platform xsim
  • build unit test --hdl-platform xsim
  • run unit test

Perfect, thanks Aaron.